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Arranging COVID-19 tests

Entry to your destination

For some destinations a COVID-19 PCR Travel Test is compulsory before travelling, for others it is optional to avoid quarantines / testing on arrival.

Please refer to individual country advice to understand the requirements.

Return to the UK

England currently require all returning visitors to undergo some testing, the extent depends upon your vaccination status and the categorization of the country you have been visiting.

For detailed information please see the Returning to the UK advice.

Discounted Test Packages from Travel Visa Company

We have teamed up with the Travel Visa Company to remove the stress from the process and make it affordable. The Travel Visa Company can arrange all required tests at a discounted cost of £43.00 per test including postage and service fee. Lateral Flow (Antigen) tests can be arranged for £17.99 per test.

You can apply for tests at or by calling 01270 692300. This should be done at least 10 days prior to your departure date. We would not recommend booking any earlier than two weeks prior to travel in case test requirements change.

Alternative test providers

Randox Health - Randox Health is the largest providers of tests in the UK Tests can be taken at home or in person at a limited number of centres across the UK.

Airports - Many airports in the UK offer test services.

Boots - Boots offer a range of services with many locations offering in person testing as well as at home test kits

A full list of COVID tests providers can be found at

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