Looking for something to add excitement and fun to your next trip abroad? With the perfect mix between a street party, a joyous festival and a full-on paint fight, the Holi Festival of Colour could be the perfect adventure for you!

The Colour Festival is a traditional Hindu celebration, welcoming the end of winter and celebrating the colour and richness that spring will bring. The celebration is known for bridging social divisions and creating unity in Indian society, as people from all walks of life find themselves hugging and wishing each other well on this unique day.

Celebrations include a vibrant street party, where participants (and non-participants) are pelted with brightly coloured powder paints. The free-for-all celebrations turn city streets into vivid collages around the time of the March full moon, or as it’s known in the Hindu calendar, Phalgun Purnima.

Holi Colour Festival

Festival of colours

You don’t have to travel to India however, to delight in this beautiful celebration. Holi One organise awe-inspiring colour festivals in over 60 Cities. These events are inspired by the original Hindu tradition and celebrate the core values of equality, freedom and goodness which the Indian festival encapsulates. Holi One events involve live music – as well as food and drinks – and attract thousands of people to the festivities. So why not enjoy the excitement of The Colour Festival in the gorgeous heat and laid back atmosphere of Sydney, or get dusted with Holi One’s people and clothes friendly powder paints whilst taking in the breath-taking sights of Dubai?

Festival of colour

You could also experience the ecstasy and excitement of the colour festival on the Canary Islands, with the event set to take place in the scenic island of Gran Canaria this year. In previous years celebrations have taken place in Malta and Cyprus, whilst preparations are underway for an epic festival of colours in Sri Lanka, as you can see in this teaser video.

In addition to Holi Colour Festivals, the phenomenon of the Colour Run has grown in popularity since its inception in 2011. These vibrant events support happiness and healthiness by throwing paint over running participants over a 5 Kilometre set course. The event is known as ‘the happiest 5k on the Planet’, and can be found at destinations around the world, including Australia and Dubai. Colour runs have also sprung up in Bali and Egypt this year, with official as well as unofficial events gaining huge popularity.

Holi Festival worldwide

Holi powder paint

Whether celebrating community, the end of winter, health or just the beauty of colour, it is clear that people love the vividness and excitement of colour festivals. With the massive success that these festivities have yielded, we are sure to see more colour worshipping taking place around the world in the near future.

So why not plan your next trip around one of these incredible events? The colour festival experience is taking the world by storm and is available in many beautiful holiday locations, so keep an eye out for the word Holi on your next trip abroad!